360° motorcycle photos taken with a Ricoh Theta attached to the windshield with an octopus mount (see how to take photos like these here). They were cleaned up in Adobe Lightroom. Various digital edits to abstract the images done in Paperartist and touched up in Lightroom.
Photos first: the Theta photos came out dark, but Lightroom was able to make them look HDR with a click of the auto setting:
You can see the shutter struggling to catch enough light there...
I then took the Lightroom edits and ran them through PaperArtist beforre touching them up again. So the workflow here is photo in the Theta, download to desktop, edit in Lightroom, upload to phone for PaperArtist edit, download back to desktop for final lightroom touch up.
The sunset the next night was another stunner, but I was on the deck with the Oneplus5 smartphone for these ones...